Ethics are what individually define us as humans. Ethics are what a person believes in, and it is what makes each person different from another.
Morality and ethics are different things. Morality is the realization of good and bad, and a large part of someone's ethics is based off of it. Ethics is what someone believes to be right versus wrong in different situations, whether morally good or not. A person continually learns about their ethics, and they are characterized by what a person is exposed to throughout their life. They can be created in school, through religion, in the workplace, and from the culture someone is exposed to. A person's ethics should stay the same throughout most of their life, but they should also be able to change and evolve. What makes a person more ethical is if they stick to what they believe is right to do, no matter the situation, and experience a change in heart when they find a wrong in their beliefs and learn from their mistakes. People cannot follow different codes of ethics at one time. In doing so would be be unethical, for a person would not stick to what they see as ethical and would only act in they way that they think others would see as right.
One ethical dilemma that I believe that I would face as a math teacher is teaching while a student does not understand what is being taught. It is wrong for a teacher to move on with a unit without everyone in the class understanding what was just taught. This may be a problem because some students, no matter their intelligence level, are bad at math and take more time to learn something. Teachers cannot completely slow down the pace at which they are teaching for a few students and fit everything that is needed to be taught into a year. What makes someone a great teacher is either preventing this situation from happening often or allowing as many individual tutoring opportunities as possible for students who do not understand. I plan on being known as a great teacher, and I will solve this ethical dilemma first by learning how to teach from great teachers, then by being very descriptive in my teaching, and finally by giving as many opportunities to help my students as I possibly can.
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